Monday, February 27, 2012

Consider How Social Networking Impacts Your Relationship

Millions of people log onto social media websites every day.   Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are great ways to reconnect with classmates, maintain friendships and network.  But more and more frequently these websites are making headlines for causing problems in marriages.  A local news station recently ran a story on how couples can manage social media networking in order to maintain a healthy marriage. 

As family law attorneys, we see these problems frequently with clients.  It is a good idea to remember the following tips to avoid these problems in your marriage:

1.      Discuss social networking with your spouse.  Share information with your spouse and decide what is appropriate.  Set boundaries.

2.      Keep information about your spouse public.  Update your status to reflect that you are “married.”  Post pictures of your spouse.

3.      Don’t air your dirty laundry.  Everyone has disagreements, but posting it for the world to see usually only escalates the situation.

4.      If you feel like things may be going too far, delete your social networking profile.

At Hollingsworth & Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding divorce, custody, support, or any other family law concerns contact our firm at 317.569.2200 or

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