When you are faced with a divorce
and you have children, it is essential to learn to co-parent with the other
parent. Your children depend on this to be secure and healthy individuals. You
don’t have to like each other, but it is important to respect each other as
parents so that you can raise your children together. It is not always easy,
but usually, it can be done. Here are a few tips:
· Be
civil to the other parent. You don’t have to hang out or engage in everyday
conversation, but try and communicate nicely, when necessary.
· Encourage
your children to have a relationship with the other parent. Allow your children
to have free access to the other parent. It will help your children and they
will thank you for not making them feel like they are in the middle.
· Discuss
the other parent in a way that is supportive and/or complimentary. Your
children want your approval in everything. Hearing you speak highly of the
other parent will give your children a sense of security and allow them to have
positive feelings for both parents.

However, even if you make every
effort to co-parent, it may not work if the other parent doesn’t want it to
work. In this case, the Huffington Post has some ideas on how to parent
effectively when co-parenting isn’t an option for you.
At Hollingsworth&
Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the
compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or
concerns regarding divorce, custody, support, or any other family law concerns
contact our firm at 317.569.2200 or hzlegal.com.